This afternoon after we had finished our other stuff... we sat down to work on our nature journals. I just asked the kids to draw/paint/whatever in their journals something we saw yesterday that they would like to know more about.
Here's Clara's entry...

Clara is a little unclear on the whole concept.... but I let it slide. The title of her page is "Clara's Nature Stuff". :-)
Here's Alex's...

I was surprised to see his entry. I had totally forgotten that we had even seen the milkweed bugs! (That's possibly because I didn't photograph them.) He enjoyed drawing them and painting the ground and sky. Afterward, he got out a couple of our field guides to read more about milkweed and the bugs. He wrote a brief little sentence about each.
Here's mine (don't laugh)....

I decided to play along today. I had bought myself a journal to use along with the kids, but I had forgotten all about it last week when the kids did journal entries.
The kids both really enjoyed this.... Alex especially. He has asked if we could do this more often. I think we'll shoot for another nature walk tomorrow. :-)
I'm thinking I may put together a nature study backpack that we can just grab as we go out the door. I've seen them advertised on different sites, but we have so many of the individual pieces already, it would be nice to have them all in one place, ready to go.
Okay... we're out of here... Alex has rehearsal and as usual, I've lost track of time!
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