After picking the Norway Maple in front of our house as the subject of our year long tree study, we have noticed different kinds of maples around our neighborhood. This helped us to decide to jump to this challenge next.
We had barely made it out our backdoor before the kids found this...

We found another maple tree on the corner...

(sidenote on Clara's hair.... she came upstairs this morning and asked if we had any classes today... I told her no and she said... good, then I don't need to comb my hair.. sigh)
We thought this tree...

Clara was enjoying being outside and took off skipping...

When we got home the kids got out all of their leaves from our walk and their guidebooks. They worked on identifying them for quite a while and then did their entries in their journals (still need to photograph those).
Besides the benefits I've mentioned before... today I realized that another great benefit of these challenges is that we get outside. I know that sounds simple enough but today, after having a sick day yesterday and no classes to go to, we might have stayed in all day.
I love tree huggers. :)
Thanks for blogging about the side benefits of outdoor time...we sometimes all need a push to get out the door.
Thanks for the lovely entry,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom
Wonderful pictures! I think the little "cones" are from a poplar tree. We used to have one in our front yard. If you have one close by, it's fun because they make a ton of them and are close enough to mini pinecones for crafting or fairy houses.
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