I've developed an addiction to
CurrClick.com... sigh.
I first found them over a year ago while out looking for free lapbooks. I have since figured out that my kids don't really enjoy lapbooks (oh... they enjoy the idea of lapbooks but the actual making of the lapbook... not so much).
So, started poking around on their site to see what else they offered.... which, come to find out, is a lot.
I usually love having the actual book in hand to look at.... but I'm beginning to be very fond of ebooks.
First of all, I can just print pages as I need them versus having to photocopy them. We do have one of those 4-in-one deals downstairs but it's slow and goes through ink rather quickly. The printer that is hooked up to my computer is faster and the toner cartridges last longer (plus we were given several extra cartridges by a neighbor who no longer had a printer they would work in).
Second, the above makes ebooks very handy when you have more than one child.
And third, the store is open 24/7 and you get your product immediately! That's probably the biggest perk for me (and my biggest downfall... lol). I decide we *need* something, I look on CurrClick, order it, print and I'm using it within 15 minutes.
Here are a few of my recent purchases...

This was purchased for Clara. We've been using it for two weeks now and she's enjoying it. Since we're not doing a formal language arts program with her, this becomes a daily mini-lesson for her.

I downloaded this for Alex the other day. I am having him write more. He's writing narrations and other small stuff weekly but occasionally I have him write longer pieces. I print off the appropriate organizer for his project and have him use it get himself organized before he starts writing. So far so good with this one. I have a feeling that we'll be using it for years to come.

Total impulse buy for Alex. It has been a HUGE hit though! He so looks forward to doing these daily. I'm not sure if it's doing anything earth-shattering for his spelling and/or vocabulary.... but it's fun, he enjoys it and it can't hurt, can it?

I've mentioned this one before. Alex has been doing these since the beginning of the school year and loving them. We had been just doing the daily paragraph editing from the book four days a week. The fifth day is a little writing assignment. I had been ignoring that because... well... just because. Lately we've been adding it in and it's been really nice. The assignments are quick and relate to the paragraphs Alex had been editing all week. Just an easy way to add more writing to our school.
I also downloaded a spellling program for Clara the other day. However, there were some issues with the download so I won't mention it here until they get the kinks worked out. CurrClick's customer service was quick and efficient with dealing with the issue... now we're just waiting on the manufacturer to figure it out.
Now, today I was on their site and saw this...
It has intrigued me. Does anyone have any experience with it? I'm thinking about getting it to use with this...

...that I have sitting around on my "math" shelf downstairs. The price is right so I might have to go for it. I'll let you know what I think of it if I do and I would love to hear from any of you who might have used it!