Perhaps because I stink at geography, I have an obsession with collecting globes. One is always within a few feet for a quick check when I need to know where something is.
Almost every globe in our collection was purchased at a antique store for around $20 or less. At first I was concerned about having "out of date" globes in our house when using them for school, but it actually has been a plus.
For example... today Alex wanted to know about the USSR versus today's Russia (he got the Beatles white album yesterday for his birthday and had been listening to Back in the USSR)... we talked about it a bit and then went to the globes to look at the geographical differences.
This particular globe (which sits on top of my desk cabinet) is from the period of the USSR...

We then took a look at this globe, which was after the break-up of the USSR....

That globe above is my favorite. I almost didn't buy it. It was the last globe I purchased. It wobbles a bit and the stand wasn't a favorite.... I wasn't sure what I would do with a globe on such a tall stand... but it was a globe and it was only $25. Now it sits near the dining room table where we do our school work and eat our meals. We refer to this globes multiple times a week.... either because of something in our school work, something we've read in the paper over breakfast, something from our read aloud or just out of curiosity.
In addition to the two globes above, we have several more sprinkled around the house.
This little metal globe bank is tucked away on a shelf by the kitchen....

This is our one modern globe...

This is yet another globe in Alex's room...

I have the itch now to acquire more :-)
Oh.... I found a site one time that gave you the info to date your globes based on country borders and names. I need to find that again... I think that would be a fun "school" activity one day.
And yes.... the rest of my spelling ramblings is coming soon.
Kez - The inflatable globe!!! I totally forgot about that one! We have one bouncing around here someplace too! And yes... the little tin globe is a piggy bank. I think they're adorable... you should see if you still have yours!
1 comment:
I love globes too but the only one we have here is a blow up one Billy got with his Nat Geo magazine subscription :( You brought back a long-forgotten memory with the small metal globe - is it a piggy bank? I had one like that when I was a kid - I had completely forgotten all about it. I wonder if it's still at Mum's place?
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