I have decided that I need to qualify all statements like that with something like "right now" or "at this moment"... because, quite frankly, things change.
This is a recent find from the library...

I'm trying to incorporate more "living math" into Clara's day so I picked up some random books at the library last week. This one has been a huge hit. There's a little word problem for each picture and several bonus questions listed in the back. She loves working with this book.
Alex just started this book last week...
Alex just started this book last week...
We had finally finished up Grammar Island, so when we started Sentence Island, we started this book as well. Who would have thought that Alex would enjoy "four level analysis" of sentences? We do these together and work through them aloud as he writes. I really thought he would balk at doing this book when it came time, but it has really surprised me!
And then there's this book...

We're still loving this book... although I will admit that Alex ummm... strongly dislikes the "bridge" portions. He loves the rest of the book though and has really gotten a lot out of it. Because of the humor and continuing story line, he can't wait to keep working his way through the book. I'm excited to see that there are enough books in the series to keep us busy for years.
1 comment:
The dinosaur counting book sounds interesting, adding it to my library list. I also would like to add in more living math books, but time always escapes us and I tend to feel guilty pushing "academic" books in sneakily and not just letting her have more free choice/leisure books at home when she's been at school all day.
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