Tuesday, September 9, 2008

another outing...

I know last week I mentioned how much I love homeschooling in Chicago because of all of the amazing learning opportunities. Well.... today was another one of those days! :-)

Today we headed down to Daley Plaza with a couple other homeschooling families to see a preview concert of this weekend's Celtic Fest.

The concert was by the amazing Willis Clan, which had the added bonus of being a homeschooling family!

All of the kids that were with us today are either are ready taking music class, or are just starting classes (3 violin, one piano and one guitar.... I think that's the breakdown). They were all just blown away watching the children in this family play, not just one instrument well... but several instruments incredibly well....

The also performed some Irish dances...

The kids were so inspired by the Willis Clan's performance. It was so much fun to show them how patience and practice pays off.

I'm hoping we can continue to go to performances such as this one and the one last week. We could listen to CD's and watch DVD's of performances, but there's nothing as inspiring as seeing them live.... and getting to chat with the performers afterward.

Okay... Alex had his play rehearsal (I don't think I mentioned it here, but he got the role of Moses is our church's fall musical) tonight so everything is running late and it is past my bedtime! :-)


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