Yesterday was SO MUCH FUN!!! I love it when a project becomes something that we're really into instead of "just school".... if you know what I mean. The kids were into this project anyway... but given that they had been reading some ancient Egypt books on their own, they had their own ideas on how we should do things.
The Story of the World activity book has you mummifying a chicken... I just couldn't do that... it just icks me out just thinking about it. So I went searching around the web looking for alternatives. I found
these instructions on the Tweaked Academy blog. They were just what I was looking for!
In the meantime... the kids had been reading these two books....
... and had some ideas of their own.
Namely, the addition of Anubis...

Or the priest who acted as the chief embalmer who wore the mask of Anubis (god of embalming). I didn't know about this because I was so focused on the actual embalming that I didn't pay much attention to the ritual of embalming. The kids rushed down to Alex's room to make him an Anubis mask which we then taped to his ski mask.
The chief embalmer marks the line on the left side of the bodies for the "slicer" to cut along...

Here is a shot of our dearly departed royal family and the elements needed for their proper burial...

I got to be the "slicer".... which had the added bonus of being chased from the room and having "stones" thrown at you by the other embalmers since "his bloody work insults the gods". I had them make paper stones so I got to run from kitchen (I did put the knife down first) while being pelted with paper wads! Good times! Honestly... the kids LOVED it!
Here they are removing the "organs"...

and anointing the bodies with wine (rubbing alcohol and red food coloring in a Dr. Pepper how's that for fancy?)....

The little packets above are the "organs", we're embalming them too.
Then we mixed up our "natron"... and started covering the bodies...

I think I ended up using three and a half boxes of baking soda and two and a half canisters of salt. I just mixed it up in equal proportions until the bodies were covered. I have some extra so I can replace the natron when needed.
Oh... and last night the kids used the hieroglyph stamps from their kit to make name labels for the mummies. On Monday we had watched a special about the
Screaming Man on the National Geographic Channel and they kept stressing how important it was for mummies to be buried with their names.... a nameless mummy could not get into the afterlife. So, they had to have names... however, for now they are mom, dad and Tut. :-)
So... that was our day yesterday! Hopefully today will be as fun but without the mess! lol!
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