The assignment was to do "action strips" where the pictures told the story from the nursery rhyme, The Queen of Hearts, in four panels. We read the nursery rhyme and even acted it out. Clara was the Queen of Hearts, Alex was the knave who stole the tarts and I got to be the king who scolded the knave. They had a great time acting it out.
After that, they began to draw...

Just wanted to stop lurking long enough to say thanks! I have read your other blog for awhile. (I think I found you from digital scrapbooking.) But I also homeschool and used Sonlight last year when I found you! Anyway, I am really enjoying your homeschool blog. I am getting some great ideas. I have a girl almost 7 and a boy almost 4.
The main reason I stopped lurking today was to ask about Atelier. I just found it this week while looking for something for my daughter. I was thinking about art classes and wondered if they had anything for homeschoolers. You said your kids liked it and you did. Do you think they get enough instruction with out an "instructor" looking over their work and teaching them? I figured it was worth a shot, but the thought of an art class where someone other than myself is teaching a subject is very appealing. :)
Sorry for rambling. Thanks again for all the info. Loving it.
how do you keep up with two blogs? i love all this info. Even though simon is only 14 months we have of course talked about school options. lets face it, ga isnt known for their public schools. its nice to see what homeschooling lessons are like.
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